More FPL Agents Head North To Assist With Hurricane Michael

More Florida Power and Light employees are heading up the state to restore power to people devastated by Hurricane Michael.

The power company says they already have 3,000 employees and contractors ready to restore power, but more are needed since 60 to 100 percent of the people there are without power.

“In a situation like this, you never know what you’re stepping into and a lot of accidents and incidents happen after the storm,” said spokesman Richard Gibbs. 

A priority for not only these men looking to restore power, but also for the men and women of the Strike Team from Miami-Dade and Broward, who arrived at the Florida State Fire College last night.

Once the storm passed, the units were deployed to help wherever they can. For those looking for help or power restored, there’s something you need to know.

“Be patient. Help is coming,” said FPL Operations Section Chief Gregory Jones. 

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