A Hero With A Gun Saved The Day In Titusville

Today's important headlines include how a hero with a gun saved the day in Titusville.

Our first headline comes from our very own sites, WJNO & WIOD, Armed Bystander Stops Mass Shooting At Florida Back-To-School Event.

Every accredited study conducted over the past 25 years has found the same thing. More lives are saved annually in the US by legal defensive use of firearms than taken by them. The most conservative estimates have 500,000 lives being saved per year. The most aggressive studies have shown up to 3 million lives saved annually. In the 90’s, the Clinton justice department found about 1.5 million lives saved annually and a more recent study involving FSU stated about 2.5 million lives saved. This is another example of how our society and specifically that park was a whole lot safer because of one person who was concealed carrying a weapon. They were able to stop murder in its tracks, saving countless lives in the process.  

You can also take heart in knowing that with Florida leading the country in legal concealed carry permits, there's often someone nearby ready to assist in a time of adversity. That is aside from the less safe gun free zones, aka, soft targets.  

I’ll do one better. Dinesh D’Souza is an American hero. I haven’t seen this movie but I will. I have seen all of his other movies. I endorse all of them and have purchased all of them giving them as gifts to people in my life who seem desirous of learning more about political history and how we arrived at today’s political landscape.  

Ayn Rand, Dinesh D’Souza. Two unique people. Two unique perspectives. Timeless hero's. Screw the critics. Those predictable lemmings gave a thumbs up to Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth and Hollywood awarded it with an Oscar. What do you expect?  

Photo by: Getty Images

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