Rubio, Diaz-Balart Want Raul Castro Charged For Murder

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart are urging President Donald Trump to have former Cuban leader Raul Castro indicted for murder over the 1996 shootdown of two airplanes which resulted in the death of four people.

In a letter, the Florida congressmen called on Trump to direct the U.S. Department of Justice to review whether Castro "should be indicted for the illegal and heinous act of shooting down in international waters two American civilian aircraft."

The Miami-based Cuban exile Brothers to the Rescue nonprofit airplane occupants were killed when Cuban Air Force fighter jets shot them down.

After the shootdown, a U.S. federal court indicted the head of the Cuban Air Force and the two pilots involved on murder charges. 

Rubio and Diaz-Balart are now bringing to attention whether Castro should also be indicted for murder, as he served as Cuba's Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces.

"Taking these bold actions would demonstrate to our adversaries that they cannot act with impunity against Americans, and that human rights abusers and criminals will be held accountable for their crimes," the letter reads. 

"Most importantly, it would send a signal to the Cuban people that the United States will not permit their oppressors to operate without consequences."

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