FPL Customers Could See A Refund On Their Upcoming Bills

Florida Power and Light customers could see a refund on a future bill.

FPL has announced that they plan to refund close to $28 million in what is called “over-recovery” charges collected during Hurricane Matthew in 2016.

If approved by the Florida Public Service Commission – who regulates state utilities – all customers who use the typical 1,000 kilowatts of electricity each month will get a one time credit of $3.18 on their bill. Woo!

FPL got approval in early 2017 to charge an extra $3.36 for 12 months to recover costs from the storm, including overtime payments to employees.

The company announced earlier this year they would not be doing the same thing from Hurricane Irma, as tax cuts for companies in the new code signed by President Donald Trump saved them enough money to cover costs.

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