LeBron James To Open Clothing Store In Wynwood

Could LeBron James be returning to Miami? Not likely-- but his streetwear is.

The former Miami Heat champ and affiliated  business partners have reportedly signed a lease to open their men’s streetwear clothing shop, Unknwn, in Wynwood. 

According to the site The Real Deal, Unknwn would be set up off 2nd Avenue and NW 26th St. in a 9,500-square-foot space in the artsy industrial district.

Unknwn already has an outlet at Aventura Mall that opened in 2011.

A date for the Wynwood store hasn’t been released, but Unknwn is working with another brand, Vlone, for a block party Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. To RSVP, visit unknwn.com.

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