When a Florida police department received a call about a horse running down a major highway, they were surprised to find a very mini pony galloping in and around cars on the road.
Talk about the Pony Express!
The horse, roughly 3 feet tall, was found on U.S. 27 in southwest Florida. The Clewiston Police Department posted video of the animal encounter on their Facebook page.
Officer Buffie McLeod is seen on camera gently guiding the pony back home with a rope.
The department used carrots to lure the pony back to its pasture before "successfully [taking] the pony into custody," as the Facebook post playfully quips.
The department also said the pony was processed for "fleeing to elude an officer."
When all was said and done, the pony had a safe return home and can be seen prancing happily in a field at the end of the video.