City Of Miami To Hold HUD Public Hearings This Week

The First of four public hearings for HUD grants in the city of Miami starts Tuesday....

The goal of the hearings is to help the public understand the distribution of funds to low and moderate income residents within the city.

Tuesday's meeting takes place at 5:30pm at the Charles Hadley Park community room at 1350 NW 50th street.

The other three meetings are as follows:

Wednesday April; 25th - HOPWA Specific Hearing at the Joseph Caleb Center, Building A at 5400 NW 22nd Avenue starting at 4:30pm

Monday April 30th -  South Meeting at Miami City Hall in the Comission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive

Tuesday May 1st - Central Meeting at the Allapattah Community Action at 2257 NW North River Drive starting at 5:00pm.

All meetings are open to the public.

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